Inappropriate Appropriation? Nope, It's Halloween!
This shit is insane. All across the nation, concerned citizens are loosing their minds over Halloween costumes. From concerns over evil clowns, to exceedingly asinine PC whining, this year has been... interesting, to say the least.
There has been so much talk about "cultural appropriation" this year that I'm sure everyone reading this is familiar with the term. It basically refers to costumes and styles of dress that are culturally important or meaningful being used and or worn by someone of another race. This is apparently an actual concern that many real, actual people live with every day. For instance, the Oregon State University and University of Oregon student governments have teamed up this year to send a threatening email to students warning them not to engage in "Cultural Appropriation"
Then there is this quote, which I swear to God I did not make up, illustrating why Cultural Appropriation is bad.
"“You can be whoever you want for a day, but with what ramifications?” says Dr. Akbari. “Who suffers at the hand of your public display of dress-up?” Can you imagine being Mexican, hearing Donald Trump call all Mexicans rapists, and then seeing guys partying in sombreros on Halloween?"
Seriously? Fucking SERIOUSLY?? I think most Mexicans, especially those who are below the poverty line(like most people in the world actually, this country included. The "middle class" is a dream most will simply never reach) have a lot more to be concerned about than frat boys wearing sombreros and drinking margaritas. By what measure could that be considered "Suffering"? That statement is likely to cause someone who has gone through ACTUAL suffering to be tempted to stab you in the spleen with a No.2 pencil.
If someone of another ethnicity wearing a hat invented and or used predominantly by your culture in a joking, playful manner causes you to feel emotions that you equate to suffering in any way, then you should probably seek out a therapist. Like right away. That's not a joke.
For instance if anyone is offended by this costume:
Fuck you. It's Halloween.
And for anyone offended by this costume:
Fuck you. It's Halloween.
Starting to see a pattern? Nobody is trying to say that all Scottish people have closets full of kilts, bagpipes & whiskey barrels, or that ALL Indian people wear loose fitting clothes so as to more easily defecate in the street . These are clearly not meant to be taken seriously. If people reacted to playful over exaggerations the same way in real life that they do online, Central Park would be just lousy with the broken, beaten bodies of caricature artists and insult comics.
Well, more lousy anyway.
Everybody just wants to have a few drinks, play dress-up and act like an idiot for an evening. So please, PLEASE, try not to be an insufferable little shit this Halloween. Just go out and have a good time instead of trying make everyone else as miserable as you must be for everything to "trigger" you so easily. Talk about staying on edge. With the way this shit is going, next they'll be calling Harambe costumes "Cultural Appropriation". I mean, how insane would tha-
God Dammit.